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Helping the homeless


"Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great Love" -Mother Teresa

Hi Everyone!

Helping humanity is my way of showing unconditional love to every living being on planet earth. One way that I show my unconditional love to humanity is by helping those that need the help the most, the homeless community. Whenever I am visiting a new city or town, I look for where the homeless are and handout

food, clothes,and shoes. It may seem like a small act, but it can make a complete difference in someone's day. For me giving a helping hand and sending them a blessing / prayer is great way to give back to humanity! I hope that I can encourage you to do the same!


Blessings to all!

Sarah Adams

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Here I am in Egypt giving 

out essential goods to those 

in need. 

  Tips on how to help

homeless communities

There opportunities to volunteer at soup kitchens and shelters and to donate money. Based on Mother Nature Network, there is an app called HandUp, where one can read stories of specific homeless people and donate directly to them!

We can love everyone around the globe unconditionally! 

Educate Yourself

There are myriad reasons why a person becomes homeless — lack of affordable housing, loss of a job, divorce, illness, substance abuse, domestic abuse, et cetera. One of the first steps you can take toward helping the homeless is trying to understand how they got there in the first place.


Clothing is a big one , as are shoes and food. Non-perishable items are always in short supply at food pantries and homeless shelters. Other items that might be needed include blankets, coats, books and small kitchen items, such as cups and utensils. If you see someone who is homeless in winter, offer blankets, food or tarps (if you can't convince them to go to a shelter).


Sign up to work an evening shift at your local homeless shelter. Answer phones, sort mail, serve food, wash dishes, distribute clothes, babysit kids, clean floors, fix a leaky toilet. Find out what they need and how you can help.


Call your local homeless shelters to find out what items are needed, then contact your local scout troops or civic organizations to organize food drives or other fundraising events to pull those items together. Follow local politics and speak up at town council meetings on issues of homelessness and programs for the homeless. Write editorial letters to your local newspaper about the issue of homelessness in your community and what people can do to help.

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